There is now a social network for beer enthusiasts.

Untappd provides a platform to log, rate, and track your favorite summer beers. Each beer that you enter will be saved in your profile for future reference.

Earn the Untappd summer beer badge by drinking summer beer.The Newbie badge is presented after the first beer is posted. Subsequent entries may win additional badges based on the beer, location, time, company, or other criteria. Attain the Untappd Summer Beer badge by logging at least three different summer beers, which should be easy.

Befriend other Untappd members with similar tastes or drinking establishment to discover new brews or watering holes. Come visit Summer Brew Review on Untappd and to see what we have been drinking.

Untappd summer beer for seasonal beer reviews.Access Untappd from your home computer or download the Untappd mobile application for the iPhone and Android for the ability to add the venue and picture of the beer. The user interface is extremely easy to navigate. Conduct a quick search for any beer to find that it is already in the Untappd summer beer system showing the number of entries, average rating, and link to the brewer page.

Create a free account with basic information and you are ready to record your first summer beer.

Each of our summer beer reviews contains an Untappd icon. Clicking will transport you to the Untappd page for that specific summer beer where you will gain further insight.