
Summer Beer

Discover limited edition seasonal summer beer. These beers are generally released in late Spring, usually May, and sell until the supply is gone. June and July are the hottest months for summer beer, with consumption decreasing in August.

Summer Beer Tasting
12 years ago

Summer Beer Tasting

It is not often one gets to taste a beer before making a purchase. Now you can by attending a summer beer tasting.

Large liquor stores, or package stores, will often host regular beer tastings, allowing potential customers to sample summer style beers. Events are occasionally attended by brewery or distributor representatives, but can also just be staffed by the store itself. Stores usually focus on seasonal beer styles that are generally consumed during the current climate conditions. In June, July, and August you can expect to taste many items from our summer beer list. Small tastings are often free, while larger summer beer tastings may charge a nominal fee. Read More

Untappd Summer Beer
12 years ago

Untappd Summer Beer

There is now a social network for beer enthusiasts.

Untappd provides a platform to log, rate, and track your favorite summer beers. Each beer that you enter will be saved in your profile for future reference.

Earn the Untappd summer beer badge by drinking summer beer.The Newbie badge is presented after the first beer is posted. Subsequent entries may win additional badges based on the beer, location, time, company, or other criteria. Attain the Untappd Summer Beer badge by logging at least three different summer beers, which should be easy.

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