
beer bottles

Beer Keg Vs Bottles or Cans
10 years ago

Beer Keg Vs Bottles or Cans

One weekend in June my wife and I host an extended happy hour to kick start the summer. Every year I am naturally tasked with purchasing beer, wine, and other beverages. In the past I’ve had a difficulty determining how much beer to purchase and serve at our party. Our “happy hour” gatherings generally last until 10:30 or 11:00. At each event I can only hope to purchase the right quantity of beer. The goal is to have as few beer bottles as possible as the last guests depart. I am considering a beer keg vs bottles or cans this year. Read More

CAN-tastic Summer Beer Cans
11 years ago

CAN-tastic Summer Beer Cans

So you are considering purchasing a pack of summer beer cans.

Several years back dinner guests brought with them a screw-top wine bottle. Because I don’t drink much wine, I was unfamiliar with the vineyard and did not recognize the label. However, I almost dismissed the offering as a practical joke. Read More